This is an illustration i did for the back page of the McSweeny's newspaper issue. It's kind of a kids page made up of some fine people who I'm humbled to be included with. This page was put together by Mac Barnett, who is great.
i was always kind of interested in 'spot the differences' games, because you go into them with such gusto, but they're so unsatisfying to finish. once you've spotted all the differences, thats it. at least it gave me an excuse to do a symmetrical composition instead of doing it for no reason like i usually do.
Also, I was lucky enough to snag a spot in the latest incarnation of Taschen's 'Illustration Now', curated by Julius Wiedemann. Here is proof of this claim:

I also have a very nice section in a magazine called DPI which i understand is all the rage in Taiwan. Thanks to Miss Effie Lin for being so great at putting it together. here is more visual proof:

to close, a heads up of a very interesting show coming up in London in January called 'If You Could Collaborate'. David O'Reilly and me (but mostly David) made something for it. Here's a link to the details, a link to David's site which you should look at every day, and a cryptic picture from the project. i'll post more show details and the project itself when the time is right.

Hooray! I found them all! Fantastic work my friend!
its great to see you getting some love. keep up the good work, sir!
i'm really in love with your collages, they're so dreamy and kind of bleak. gorgeous sense of design and amazing palettes, if you'll permit me to sound like an artsy douchebag for a second. i've been watching your blog for awhile so i decided i should probably say something.
I love your work Jon, the pages look great.
Awesome and congratulations! Beautiful work as always. Do you use an agent to get editorial work? I can find work in picture books and comics but those one off jobs are pretty elusive for me.
Beautiful works, really =)
These are beautiful, thanks for sharing!
Yaaa, I found them all! It would have been funny if you only did 11 differences ;)
Awesome work, always humbling and an inspiration.
I was wondering what version of "Illustration now" you're in? is it Volume 3? or the 25 anniversary edition?
thanks guys!
Eric, no agent for the one off ones - they aren't all that plentiful, i just pile them up in one post so it looks that way...
Kate, is the best.
John, sorry, it's 3. probably should specify that.
Congratulation Jon. Spot the differences looks Great!
Jon. Awesome lighthouses. Very whimsical if you pardon the expression.
I love your work, but this first illustration is FANTAAASTIC!
oh my I love this...so much..I reminds me so much to my childhood..just wonderful
your work is beautiful, Ciel y Nara congratulations!
I think there were actually 13 different spots.......
thank you for sharing
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